Christopher and other FMers:
I've compiled a fairly comprehensive list of house concerts around the
country (so far, more than 50 such venues--most of them regular series, as
far as I can tell--in more than 20 states, includes contact info,
addresses, email, websites, etc.. Not complete, but a good start...Some of
this info comes from the aforementioned site, as well as
from other info sources and personal contacts. It is true that this info
is ever-changing, as house concerts come and go, depending upon the stamina,
motivation, interest, and enthusiasm of the host(s). But most of us, I'd
say, are more or less in it for the long run.
As a house concert presenter, I'm always interested in making connections
with other house concert impresarios, hosts, presenters, and wannabees.
I'd be happy to share this info with others. No, I don't have it on-line yet.
Some day, if I ever have, say, a nano-second of spare time, I'll create a
Blue House webpage and you'll be able to find the info and links there.
In the meantime, for an email version of the list, contact me.
Cecil Smith
Host of the Blue House Acoustic Music Series
A house concert venue in DeKalb, IL
("Corn Seed Capitol of the World")
M Cecil Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Educational Psychology
Department of Educational Psychology,
Counseling and Special Education
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115-2854
(815) 753-8448 (office) (815) 753-9250 (fax) (e-mail)