> Also missing from any mention that I saw was WAMU (88.5)
> from American University in Washington, D.C., which is usually
> playing bluegrass music whenever I drive through that area
> (although I have heard NPR news radio also, so I am not positive
> that they still have the bluegrass programming.)
I live in the DC metro area....WAMU is an NPR affiliate; but the bluegrass
programming is still great: "Drivetime Bluegrass" from 3-6 pm Mon-Fri and
"Stained Glass Bluegrass" (Gospel Bluegrass) from 6-9 am on Sundays. I think
the shows may actually originate out of a sister station in a small southern
Virginia city and are distributed by WAMU (but don't quote me on that).
[ Stuntie sez: I think one of the welcome-home presents I'm going to give Alan
is closure on this Folk Radio thread. Remember that there's a good list at
http://folkradio.org . If you find a NEW station adding folk to its
programming, let us - and the world - know about it! TMN ]