The Find... page on this site will (hopefully) help you find what you
are seeking. We've implemented a site-wide keyword search interface, which
will return to you a list of the pages containing the keyword or keywords
you have specified - for example, type the word "Gorka"
into the Keyword Search box below and select the "Go!"
A site map brings a visually-oriented interface to the search process,
showing at a glance the hierarchy of categories and sub-categories of
information on the site.
Keyword Search
Know what you're looking for but can't find it? Try letting our search
engine look for it. Enter the keyword or keywords in the space provided
below and select the "Go!" button.
Two or more keywords can be used in this search interface, and they can
be separated with the keyword "and" to restrict the search to
those pages that contain both of the keywords - "Lavin and
Fingerett" - or can be separated with the keyword "or"
to restrict the search to those pages that contain either of the
keywords - "Lavin or Fingerett". Using "and" will
result in fewer matches than using "or".
This search interface will only access pages on "folkmusic.org".
A Web-wide search interface can be found in the
"Artists" section of the site or you can try meta-search engines
like Dogpile or Ask Jeeves.
Site Map
About - information about the site and its creators
Find - site-wide search and site map
Help - general assistance with the site
Browse - an alphabetic list of links to artist resources
Search - interface to search engines
Venues - music venue links, arranged by state/province
Festivals - links to music festivals
House Concerts - links to house concert resources
Databases - other lists of resources
Booking - booking agencies
Management - artist management companies
Publicists - publicists
Record Labels - an alphabetic list of links to record companies
Photography - photographers who specialize in musicians
CD Manufacturing - manufacturing and artwork reproduction
Designers - artwork, web design, etc.
Folk Alliance - North American Folk Music and Dance Alliance
Professional - ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, etc.
Regional - geographically-oriented organizations
Sub-Genre - sites that represent subsets of the folk music community
Print - magazines, newspapers and other publications
Radio - local and nationally syndicated radio programs
Television - local and nationally syndicated TV programss
Internet - online media opportunities
Books - biographies, photo essays, etc.
Record Stores - where to buy online and offline
Instructional - books, videos, tapes
Instruments - makers of all instruments
Electronics - speakers, amplifiers, pickups, etc.
Accessories - strings, stands, cases, etc.
Internet Directory - online information directory
Mailing Lists - e-mail based discussion lists
Newsgroups - bulletin boards
WWW - other similar resources
Last Modified: Sunday 05 Apr 1998 |